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Thursday, January 21, 2010


Heat and Cold ..... you must feel it






The sensation of Heat and Cold is a matter of 'opinion'.
Try the next experiment and describe what you are feeling.

You will need three bowls of water.

  1. The left one is filled with 'hot' (warm) water. Be careful. It must be safe enough to put your fingers in it without burning them. 
  2. The middle one is filled with water of normal temperature.
  3. The right bowl is filled with water and some melting ice cubes.
  4. Now put your left hand into the left bowl. And your right hand into the right bowl. Hold it there for a few minutes. Wait until your body temperature has adjusted to the temperature of the water. 
  5. Now put both your hands into the middle bowl.
That is funny...The water seems to be cold for your left hand, but warm for your right hand!!

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