The mediocre teacher tells.
The good teacher explains.

The superior teacher demonstrate.
The great teacher inspires.

Tuesday, November 29, 2011


Tiba-tiba teringat kenangan manis semasa camping Pelantikan Pandu Puteri Kadet. Kelakar kan bila diingat, semua orang happy. Semua bekerjasama dengan penuh semangat dalam apa jua keadaan dan aktiviti. Dan ada satu rahsia tau..hehe...ada di antara kami yang tak mandi seharian sebab bekalan air tak ada ( Teacher Syiela salah seorang tau hehe...shhhhh )

Tuesday, November 22, 2011

PBS akan mula dilaksanakan terhadap murid Tingkatan 1 bermula 2012. Setakat ini 90% maklumat, panduan serta kertas kerja mengenai pelaksanaan PBS di peringkat menengah telah berjaya dimiliki. Cuma menunggu Pihak Lembaga memuat naik beberapa dokumen lagi. Bermula 2014 PMR adalah 100% berdasarkan PBS (Pentaksiran Berasaskan Sekolah). Setakat hari ini KSSM belum dimuat naik oleh Lembaga Penggubal.Dokumen Standard Prestasi KHB Tingkatan 1 sahaja yang telah siap. Bagi subjek-subjek lain masih dalam proses penggubalan pada peringkat Lembaga.

Thursday, September 29, 2011

Wow wow wowww...dah lama sangat bersawang blog ni. Since baby 6 bulan dalam kandungan sehingga baby dah lahir dan sekarang baby Aliya dah genap setahun. Lama sungguh kan? Banyak sangat info yang nak dikongsi di sini sampai tak terkongsi. For the time being Teacher Syiela sangat sibuk dengan students yang nak exam. By the way, Teacher Syiela harap sangat dapat meluangkan masa seperti dulu-dulu untuk berkongsi ilmu di sini. InsyaAllah akan diusahakan.

Saturday, January 30, 2010

Thursday, January 21, 2010

I love dis one...but it is not suitable to show to our students.....


Heat and Cold ..... you must feel it






The sensation of Heat and Cold is a matter of 'opinion'.
Try the next experiment and describe what you are feeling.

You will need three bowls of water.

  1. The left one is filled with 'hot' (warm) water. Be careful. It must be safe enough to put your fingers in it without burning them. 
  2. The middle one is filled with water of normal temperature.
  3. The right bowl is filled with water and some melting ice cubes.
  4. Now put your left hand into the left bowl. And your right hand into the right bowl. Hold it there for a few minutes. Wait until your body temperature has adjusted to the temperature of the water. 
  5. Now put both your hands into the middle bowl.
That is funny...The water seems to be cold for your left hand, but warm for your right hand!!

Sensory Receptors 


The skin contains numerous sensory receptors which receive information from the outside environment.
The sensory receptors of the skin are concerned with at least five different senses: pain, heat, cold, touch, and pressure.

The five are usually grouped together as the single sense of touch in the classification of the five senses of the whole human body.
The sensory receptors vary greatly in terms of structure.
For example, while pain receptors are simply unmyelinated terminal branches of neurons, touch receptors form neuronal fiber nets around the base of hairs and deep pressure receptors consist of nerve endings encapsulated by specialized connective tissues.

Receptors also vary in terms of abundance relative to each other.
For example, there are far more pain receptors than cold receptors in the body.
Finally, receptors vary in terms of the concentration of their distribution over the surface of the body, the fingertips having far more touch receptors than the skin of the back.